For as little as £300 a year or £25 a month (primary) and £420 a year or £35 a month (secondary) you can support the education of a disadvantaged child from Mityana and make a huge difference to the life of the child. Also for £15 a month there is the option of sponsoring a grandparent to help provide food and essentials for the family being raised by the grandparent.

If you would like to sponsor a child/grandparent then please complete the form below and send it to  or post it to: Mityana Charity (Sponsorship), 45 Qualitas, Bracknell, RG12 7QG, UK.

Email Address
Phone Number

I would like to sponsor a grandparent

I would like to sponsor

Preference (boy or girl)    age   (although this cannot be guaranteed we will try our best)

I am paying by

Standing Order start date OR Cheque Value   I would like to gift aid my donations*

* Please remember that if you pay tax and you complete a gift aid form we can claim another 25p for every £1 that you donate.

We will contact you when we receive your form and will send details of the child as soon as they are available.

We take your data privacy very seriously. We will never send your contact details to any other organisation and we will only use your personal data to manage your sponsorship.


Do you want to receive our standard communications: newsletters, AGM invitations and Annual Reports and occasional updates on the charity’s achievements?

