Fundraising and Volunteering


The charity relies on fundraising and donations for all its work. If you wish to raise money through your own sponsored event or by joining a national event, you can set up a fundraising page linked to the charity with Just Giving. Type Mityana Charity - please ensure it is our Logo as there are other charities with Mityana in their name.

Create your own fundraiser to raise money for us HERE>


As we are constantly expanding, we need to recruit a team of Volunteers who we hope will be willing to dedicate their time, skills and commitment on an ad-hoc basis to assist us with fund-raising and administrative projects. We do not require a large commitment from our Volunteers, and even just a few hours of your time at any of our events would be a huge benefit to the charity.

Publicising our charity amongst your friends and family - especially our gift scheme.

General Events - Collecting donations, manning our display tables, putting up our posters and information boards and explaining to the public the projects and work of the charity at fund-raising events.

Raising Awareness - Perhaps visiting schools, colleges, churches and businesses with our Trustees to explain the projects and work of the charity or even just talking to people in your street.

Office administration - We are always on the look-out for people who can devote some free skilled time to assist us with IT and other work to help the charity function more effectively.

In return for your time we hope you'll find a new sense of satisfaction in working with a UK registered charity on some life-changing projects.

If you would like to know more about volunteering with the Mityana Charity, please contact us

The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825