Lwankuba Coffee Farm

The "New Life" vision for Lwankuba Coffee Farm was for farming, training for local subsistence farmers, education, renewal and mission.

Lwankuba Coffee Farm consists of 500 acres of land which the Mityana Charity has leased and part of the land is under cultivation. Nabukenya Primary School is on the same site.

We are working in partnership with Hall Hunter Partnership (HHP) a soft fruit growing company in England who generously made a commitment to support the project in 2009.

HHP shipped a tractor over to help plough the land as oxen were previously being used to plough and also to collect water for irrigation. Working with the charity the farm has its own borehole and irrigation system.

In 2010 after much research, it was decided to grow ROBUSTA coffee on the farm for the export market.


Harvesting started in 2012 and a processing plant was installed in time for the 2014 season. In 2016 the coffee farm was started as a business.


The farm is no longer managed directly by Mityana Charity; instead, it is leased to a third party to ensure that it is managed professionally and sustainably. However, it has continued to fulfil its original purpose of training local farmers in modern coffee farming by implementing recommended agronomic practises and a strategy to increase their household income. In addition, the farm supports the church's mission and PaCT's administrative expenses through the tenant's annual rent payment.

The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825