
Healthcare is a high priority for the Mityana Charity. We are glad to support the diocesan (and other) clinics in rural areas, as they are often the only provision for the treatment of malaria and AIDs, ante- and post-natal care, and vaccination programmes. In addition we supply ongoing support for a mobile health worker in the area.

In recent years, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to build and equip a number of clinics across the Mityana Diocese. Several of these are in relatively remote locations. The major projects completed to date include:

A new Maternity Building for Buwaata Clinic.

Provision of facilities for water harvesting and storage, thanks to a generous grant from the Sykes Committee at St Sebastian's Church, Wokingham Without. This involved installing new gutters, pipework and storage tanks at Makonzi Clinic, Kyankowe Clinic, Kyato Clinic (and at Kyato School) and Mawujjo Clinic. One unusual part of this project was the replacement of an asbestos roof at Lulagala Clinic, with one of a more suitable material for collecting rainwater.

In 2016 a couple in the USA sent a gift and the Medicor Foundation gave us a grant that together enabled us to provide a new Clinic at Kasoolo Secondary School. The clinic opened on 22 February 2017.
We are very thankful for all who have contributed so generously to support this work.

In 2018 we had 2 generous donations to build another clinic in Rwamashengyero an area where there was no health provision at all. We were delighted to provide staff accommodation and a water tank as well.

At this point it became clearer that there are far too many fatalities when mothers give birth to babies at locations where there are no suitable facilities. The priority has become the building of maternity units at existing health centres. So in 2020, as a result of a very generous donation, we were able to build a Maternity Ward at the Kalangaalo Health Centre III.

This was followed by another very generous donation in 2021 which enabled us to build a Maternity Ward at Mpenja Health Centre III. In this case there were already midwives on the staff of the Health Centre, but no suitable location where mothers could give birth.
At the end of 2021 we received another very generous donation and we were able start work on a Maternity Unit at Kikandwa Health Centre III. This is a Health Centre which provides backup for three other Health Centres in the surrounding area. Construction continued into 2022. This Maternity Unit, unlike all the others, has running water, and so we were able to provide indoor toilets. This Maternity Unit was completed and handed over in April 2022.

The now completed Kikandwa Maternity Ward

We are very thankful for all who have contributed so generously to support this work, and we would be very happy to build further maternity wards when appropriate funds become available.

There are many other things that could be done to help the local clinics. At many clinics the provision of accommodation for the live-in staff is very poor. For example we are aware of one place where the only accommodation available to the nurse on site is in a ward which is shared with TB patients.

Help promote our health projects


Mosquito nets

Mpenja Maternity Ward

Kalangalo Maternity Ward

Rwamashengyero Clinic

New Maternity Building for Buwaata Clinic

New red roof on Lulagala Clinic

New clinic at Kasoolo Secondary School

The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825