Further Education

Less than 20% of School leavers in Uganda are in paid employment, so we feel that it is imperative to provide our beneficiaries with vocational training that will give them marketable skills.

The team in Mityana have made links with vocational colleges who are taking on our less academic school leavers to train as car mechanics, cooks, hairdressers, tailors, welders etc. Also with other colleges that provide teaching and nursing qualifications and other skills such as plumbing, catering, computer studies and electrical installation training.

The most able take A levels and apply to university. We find that funding students to study for degrees is too expensive for the majority of sponsors, so we have decided that we will only ask for funding for upkeep at university if students do well enough to gain a government scholarship for their tuition fees. However, sometimes we find two or more sponsors to share the cost and occasionally sponsors feel that they can afford to pay all the costs. Extended families also provide money for upkeep, sometimes being able to provide room in their homes in Kampala.

In 2017 the charity in Mityana started to run courses to provide entrepreneurship skills and help in small business start-ups for recent graduates. They are developing a "Start your own business" Model. We are trying to provide finance for essential tools and equipment as well as help initial help with rent.


Would you like to find out more? Fill in the form below if you'd like us to phone you to discuss sponsorship.

In 2017 the charity in Mityana started to run courses to provide entrepreneurship skills and help in small business start-ups for recent graduates. They are developing a "start your own business" model. We are trying to provide finance for essential tools and equipment as well as initial help with rent.

In 2021 a new initiative has developed - the Business Incubation Centre.
When students finish vocational training in tailoring and catering they are encouraged to come and use the facilities to gain practical experience and to develop their businesses.
We hope that schools will order their uniforms from here and that the catering department will provide food for on-site courses and within the community.



Matouva Abasi's father died and his mother left him with his grandma. She died in 2011 and his sponsors supported him to board at school and then to do a vocational course in electronics. He has now opened an electrical shop and is training younger people in electronics

The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825