Visiting Mityana and Uganda

"A visit to Mityana is an exciting, exhausting and encouraging experience. Despite the poverty and desperate need of many of the people we meet, there is also laughter and joy in friendship and simplicity. It is a privilege to meet the resourceful and courageous people who are willing to share so much with us". (Debbie Harris)

Individuals, families, school groups, teachers, youth groups, clergy have joined us when we visit Mityana. Several have returned many times!

You will see the real Africa. Uganda is a beautiful country with pleasant temperatures and lovely welcoming people with smiling faces.

Other places of interest to visit from Mityana

Equator day trip 72km from Kampala (could be incorporated into trip to Queen Elizabeth Game Park)

Queen Elizabeth Game Park is approximately 376 kilometres (234 mi), by road, southwest of Kampala.,

Murchison Falls game park it will take you around 5 hours from Kampala with about 305 km where the world's longest river funnels through a narrow fissure in the Rift Escarpment to erupt out of the other side in a crashing 43 metres plume of white water. The river below the falls is no less spectacular in its own way, with its profuse birdlife, thousands of hippos, and outsized, gape-mouthed crocodiles

Source of the River Nile near Jinja 93.86 to 102.02 miles (The source of the Nile is sometimes considered to be Lake Victoria, but the lake has feeder rivers of considerable size.) The Nile downriver from Jinja is Bujagali Falls, the adventurer's capital with grade-five white water rafting, kayaking, river boarding and mountain-biking. These activities offer a unique way to explore the river banks, passing though farms, forests and villages beside the Nile.

2010 visit to Mityana

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The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825