How can I help?

A little money goes a long way in Uganda, but the more supporters we have, the more people we can help. There are many ways you can help us, and there's sure to be one that appeals to you or best fits your circumstances.

Sponsor a child

Give a child the precious gift of education, or sponsor a granny struggling to bring up orphaned children. MORE>

Make a donation

Simply help with a gift of money, or set up a small standing order. We'll see to it that your money is well spent. MORE>

If you want to set up a standing order use this form. To set up a standing order via online banking the details you need are:

Name: Mityana Charity
Sort Code: 40-47-09
Account Number: 41515667
IBAN: GB48HBUK40470941515667

Buy a gift

Choose something that will transform people's lives - a solar light for a family, or a magical multiplying pig. MORE>

Raise funds for us

Set up a fundraising drive, run or swim for us...or simply sign up so that every time you shop on-line a little comes our way! MORE>

Leave a gift in your will

A legacy can be the single most valuable gift you ever give, and could save you inheritance tax. After you have provided for your dependants, why not make an impact on future generations by leaving something to Mityana Charity? MORE>


Make it go further...

You can make your gift go further, at no cost to you, if you are a UK taxpayer and can sign up for Gift Aid. More information about Gift Aid and other tax concessions.

The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825