UK Funded WASH Projects


Water Tank at St Kizito Namigavu Primary School



Water tank at Kalangaalo Maternity Unit

Water tank at Nakaziba Primary School

Water tank at St Mary's School, Bekiina

Water tank at Bbuye Primary School


The bore hole at Nakyenyi Secondary School, in use 

New water tank at St Marys Bekiina RC Primary School

Water tank at Nassanga Nursery and Primary School

The water tank at Katiiti Primary School now has its protective wall


Water Tank at Kasenyi Secondary School
in memory of Veronica Spooner


Water tank provided at Kiryokya Primary School

Water tank provided at St Peters Primary School Busuubizi

Water tank provided at Nakyenyi Primary School

Water tank provided at Rwamashengyero


New Water Tank at Myanzi Prison
Donated by Christ Church Woodley

New water tank at Naama Primary School

 New water tank at Hillside Primary School


Kasaana Health Centre
The tank collects water from the Church roof, next to the Clinic

Nabembezi Primary School 

Miseebe Health Centre

William Mukasa Primary School

Kasoolo Secondary School Tank
Sponsored by Sevenhills Wholefoods

The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825