History - 2020

The whole team at PaCT

Kalangaalo Maternity Unit

Our graduates celebrating their achievements

We visited the new latrine at Kanziira C/U Primary School, Gomba 

The bore hole at Nakyenyi Secondary School, in use 

New water tank at St Marys Bekiina RC Primary School

The PACT team at the opening of the new Kalaangalo Maternity Unit

Kalaangalo Maternity Unit latrine

Water tank at Nassanga Nursery and Primary School

Jean dancing with our sponsored children at our 25 anniversary celebration

The water tank at Katiiti Primary School now has its protective wall

Latrines at Kalangaalo Primary School


2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015

The Mityana Charity - Registered
The Mityana Charity - Registered charity no. 1064825